ADHD Assessment with Conners 4th Edition

🧐If you want to go deeper into the topic, you can read the following article:

ADHD: Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment in Panama

🧠 ADHD, also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological disorder that is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and can cause affectation in different contexts (family, school or social interaction).

⚡️In order to have a good ADHD diagnosis, a especializad ADHD assessment is a good alternative to obtain objective information about behavior and cognitive development in different domains. For example:

Conners 4th Edition:  It's an English  Standardized test that can be applied to different informants. For example:

⚡️Teacher: 6-18 years

⚡️Parent: 6-18 years

⚡️Self-Report: 8-18 years

It English Standardized test measure impairments related to ADHD symptoms in the school, social, and family domains, incorporating  a dimensional approach with an additional DSM Symptoms Scale: Total ADHD Symptoms.

Obtaining a global perspective about patients Fortress and Opportunity for improvement can help families and schools members to identify and acquire tools and recommendations that increase learning and adaptative opportunities in different settings and places.

If you are interested in obtain an ADHD Neuropsychological Assessment, feel free to contact with us at +507 6535 6362 and we will be pleasure to respond to your needs.

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