Screening for Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Self-Concept, and Disruptive Behavior (BYI-II)

The BYI-II (Beck Inventories for Children and Adolescents-2) psychological test is a psychological test that, through a self-report format, allows the measurement of the following clinical and emotional areas in children and adolescents between the ages of 7 years and 18 years 11 months:

✅Depression inventory: It is made up of items and statements related to negative thoughts, feelings of sadness and physiological indicators that are related to depression.

✅ Anxiety Inventory: its items and statements reflect possible fears, worries (about school, health, getting hurt), as well as physical symptoms associated with anxiety.

✅ Anger Inventory: scale that is related to the measurement of negative thoughts about other people, perception of receiving unfair treatment from other people, feelings of anger and symptoms related to the physiological activation of the organism.

✅ Self-concept inventory: this scale is related to the measurement of the child and/or adolescent's perception regarding their own perception of themselves in terms of their strengths, qualities, competence, and self-esteem.

✅ Disruptive Behavior Inventory: relates to behaviors and attitudes related to disruptive disorders, impulse control and conduct.

If you are interested in requesting an evaluation of psychological indicators related to depression, anxiety, anger, self-concept and disruptive behavior in Panama, you can call us or write to us at 507 6535 6362

✋🏻Remember that apart from the complete neuropsychological assessment, at Neuropsyedu we provide comprehensive evaluation through the use of other neuropsychological, clinical or educational tests. You can find out more in the following orange boxes.

Neuropsychological evaluation Psychoeducational evaluation Clinical evaluation

👇🏻 If you want to deepen your knowledge about the BYI-II test, we recommend watching this video.

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