WISC-IV Online Course

Course price: 50 USD.

Course available for immediate delivery. Once payment has been made, write to us at 507 6535 6362 and we will give you access to the course content, including access to our virtual learning platform (Google Classroom). In this classroom, the modules are organized in such a way that you can self-manage your own learning.

💪In this online WISC-IV course you will be able to strengthen your competencies, abilities and skills regarding the application, qualification, interpretation and writing of results in a psychological/neuropsychological report.

🎥 The syllabus is made up of the following content format. The first two modules (module 0 and module 1) are open access modules for the public (which will allow you to get an idea of the quality of our courses). The rest of the modules will be exclusively accessible to those who purchase the course via payment.

✅ Module 0: WISC-IV materials.

✅ Module 1: General review of the WISC-IV. Technical sheet, main cognitive skills, secondary indexes and Intelligence Quotient as a measure of a person's intellectual capacity.

✅ Module 2: Age range and clinical judgment when deciding between applying a WISC-IV, WPPSI-IV and WAIS-IV.

✅ Module 3: Preliminary considerations before application. Which patients are candidates to be evaluated with a WISC-IV? Correlation and clinical judgment with other intelligence tests.

✅ Module 4: General administration rules: substitution rules, apportionment, starting rules, backtracking rules, timekeeping, demonstration/practice activities, behavioral observations, and common mistakes.

✅ Module 5: Test administration: a review of the 10 main and 5 supplementary subtests of the WISC-IV will be made.

👉🏼 Cubes (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼Similarities (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Digits - direct order and reverse order (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Concepts with drawings (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Keys (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Vocabulary (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Sequence of Numbers and Letters (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Matrices (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Understanding (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Symbol Search (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Incomplete figures (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and frequent errors).

👉🏼 Animals (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Information (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Arithmetic (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

👉🏼 Riddles (administration, general application rules, demonstration video applying the test, behaviors to observe and common errors).

✅Module 6: Basic principles of Psychometry. Calculation of Main Indices (Verbal Comprehension Index, Perceptual Reasoning Index, Working Memory Index and Processing Speed Index) and Secondary Indices (General Ability Index and Cognitive Competence Index). Likewise, the calculation of the IQ (Intelligence Quotient) will be explained.

✅ Module 7: Score comparison. What is an interpretable IQ? How to calculate an interpretable IQ and how to calculate an interpretable scaled score?

✅Module 8: Interpretation and writing of results in a psychological/neuropsychological report.

🧠 Interested in trying out the quality of our classes? We invite you to watch this introductory class for free. 👇🏻

Interested in solving any doubts you may have about this flexible, asynchronous virtual course? We invite you to watch the following video👇🏻

How to purchase this paid virtual course?

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  1. If you are from Panama, we recommend that you make your payments in the following way:

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We recommend that you make your payment through the Paypal application.

👇🏻 Click on the blue link to make your secure payment.

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