If you want to expand your knowledge about intelligence assessment, I recommend reading the following article:
✅ Intelligence from Neuropsychology and Education
✅Diagnosis of intellectual disability in Panama
The WPPSI-IV is a standardized intelligence assessment that covers the following age ranges:
✅ 2 years 6 months - 3 years 11 months: In this age range, the WPPSI-IV has three primary scales: verbal comprehension, visuospatial comprehension, and working memory.
✅4 years 0 months to 7 years 7 months: In this age range, the WPPSI-IV offers measurement of the following primary scales: verbal comprehension, visuospatial, fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.
The application of the WPPSI-IV offers the opportunity to obtain the total IQ, a measure that usually represents a synthesis of the infant's performance in the different domains of cognitive ability.
The Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) measures the knowledge that the infant has acquired from his or her environment, exploring his or her ability to form verbal concepts and reason verbally.
The Visuospatial Processing Index (VPI) measures the integration and synthesis of visual details, forming non-verbal concepts and integrating at the visual-motor level.
The Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI) measures general visual intelligence, simultaneous processing, conceptual thinking, and classification of concepts.
The Working Memory Index (WMI) represents a measure of the capacity of visual working memory, visuospatial working memory and the ability of the infant to resist interference in a proactive manner. It is important to note that from a cognitive point of view, working memory is closely linked to attention, concentration, mental control and reasoning.
The Processing Speed Index (PSI) provides a measure of an infant's ability to explore, sort, or discriminate simple visual information using visual memory, visual-motor coordination, cognitive flexibility, visual discrimination, concentration, and overall speed to perform tasks.
If you would like an intelligence assessment for your child, please do not hesitate to contact us here.
The manipulatives used in this test meet appropriate criteria based on the infant's developmental level. If you are interested as a parent in validating the safety of the materials used in the WPPSI-IV, I recommend that you watch the video below👇🏻🧠⚡️
🧠 Early childhood is a stage strongly influenced by the accelerated proliferation of synapses synaptic pruning processes. What does the above mean? That there is a structural and functional strengthening of the brain, and on the other hand, neural circuits that are no longer efficient are eliminated (Hale and Fiorello, 2004). Hence the importance of measuring intelligence, since it can give us an estimate of the quality and efficiency of the infant's cognitive development.
If you want to expand your knowledge regarding the WPPSI-IV in the age group of 2 years 6 months - 3 years 11 months, we invite you to watch the video👇🏻💪
If you want to deepen your knowledge regarding the WPPSI-IV in the age group of 4 years 0 months - 7 years 7 months, we invite you to watch the video that appears just below👇🏻🧠⚡️