🧐If you wish to learn more about the evaluation and treatment of ADHD, we recommend reading the following articles:
🧠 ADHD, known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder of neurobiological origin that presents as symptoms attention difficulties, hyperactivity or impulsivity that cause significant discomfort in social, academic and family performance.⚡️ For an adequate diagnosis of ADHD, it is appropriate to consider the impression of the parent and school in relation to the symptoms presented by the patient, which is why the e-TDAH Test and ATENTO are ideal for this purpose.
✅ The e-ADHD Test is a test that can be administered between the ages of 6 and 12. It is a questionnaire that must be filled out by parents teaching staff in order to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the patient regarding symptoms and difficulties associated with the diagnosis of Attention Deficit with or without hyperactivity.
Another benefit of the e-ADHD test is that it allows obtaining valuable information regarding concomitance: affected areas that are usually affected in patients with a clinical picture of ADHD, such as: emotional management, fine motor coordination, executive functions and time management, academic performance and quality of life.
✅ The ATENTO Test is a multi-source and multidimensional questionnaire that can be administered between 3 years 0 months and 18 years 11 months and allows the evaluation of the following areas:
👉🏼 Evaluation of executive functions: allows the measurement of processes related to inhibitory control, attentional control, behavioral regulation, emotional regulation, working memory, cognitive flexibility, planning-organization and temporal information processing.
👉🏼 Impact scales: This scale provides information on how executive functioning and ADHD symptoms may be affecting the person being assessed in various family, school, and social contexts.
For example, at the family level, executive function deficits and ADHD-related symptoms may be expressed through difficulties in following routines, maintaining household organization, and fulfilling daily responsibilities. In the school context, this may be represented by interference in academic performance, including the proper completion of tasks. In the social context, executive or ADHD-related difficulties may interfere with the establishment and maintenance of social relationships.
👉🏼 ADHD Risk and Inattention Symptom Scales and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity Symptom Scales: The ATENTO test provides a profile of the risk that the person may be presenting for suffering from ADHD. It also provides information on whether the predominant symptoms correspond to an inattentive, hyperactive-impulsive, or combined profile.
👉🏼ADHD-related problem scales: due to the high comorbidity that ADHD can have with other disorders or mental health challenges, the ATENTO test includes scales that evaluate symptoms related to behavioral problems, sleep problems, and symptoms associated with cognitive disconnection syndrome.
🧐 To assess all of the above, the ATENTO Test includes various questionnaires that vary depending on the age of the person and the informants, an aspect that gives it great versatility and usefulness, and can help the professional compare the responses between various informants, including the symptoms perceived by the consultant/patient.
🙌 The questionnaires that can be applied by the professional for the benefit of the case are:
👉🏼 Family questionnaires aimed at children between 3 and 6 years of age.
👉🏼 School questionnaires aimed at boys and girls between 3 and 6 years of age.
👉🏼 Family questionnaires aimed at boys and girls between 6 and 18 years of age.
👉🏼 School questionnaires aimed at boys and girls between 6 and 18 years of age.
👉🏼 Self-report questionnaires filled out by the child or adolescent. This self-report questionnaire can be administered between 8 and 18 years of age.
If you are interested in an ADHD evaluation in Panama, please write to us or call us at 507 6535 6362 and we will be happy to assist you.
👉🏼 If you want to expand your knowledge about the ATENTO test, we recommend watching the following class👇🏻
🎥 If you want to learn more details about the e-ADHD test, we recommend watching the following class👇🏻