⭐️ The Pirate Adventure therapeutic resource is an intervention program aimed at strengthening attention processes and executive functions through self-instructions in children from 6 to 12 years of age.
🧐 It is an intervention program that is useful in the following cases:
✅ Cases that meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity). This intervention program helps patients to acquire a more reflective, independent and organized work style, minimizing impulsive, imprecise and disorganized behaviors. If you want to deepen your knowledge about ADHD, I recommend reading the following article: ADHD, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment in Panama.
✅ The intervention program is also useful for cases that, although they do not meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, require strengthening of attention functions, working memory, executive functions, and processing speed.
🤔 How does it help to have a program based on self-instruction training?
☑️ Firstly, using self-instructions allows the child to learn to identify a problem, focus attention on the task, use specific strategies depending on the type of task and promote self-assessment, so that mistakes can be reflected upon.
☑️ The fact that the child learns to talk to him or herself during the resolution of complex tasks is a great step when it comes to solving problems effectively and generating strategies that help organize behavior. For this reason, training attention and executive functions through self-instructions is an important ally when teaching inattentive and impulsive children to govern their own behavior during the resolution of complex cognitive tasks.
If you would like to know more about assessment and intervention programs with Neuropsyedu, please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you want to learn more about the therapeutic resource Pirate Adventure and other resources that are used in the treatment of ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity), I invite you to watch the class that appears just below👇🏻
👀 Remember that treatment or intervention can also be used to benefit a population that, although it does not meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, still requires stimulation in cognitive areas that are related to learning processes (perception, attention, memory, processing speed, perception, visual-motor coordination, etc.).