Intelligence assessment for primary and secondary school: WISC-IV

👉🏼If you wish to deepen your knowledge regarding intelligence, and its relationship with intellectual disability, reading skills, and neuropsychological and learning processes, I recommend reading the following articles:

Intelligence from Neuropsychology and Education.

Assessment and diagnosis of intellectual disability in Panama

🤔 Are you a professional and would like to take a virtual course that will allow you to learn to master the application, interpretation, qualification and writing of a psychological/neuropsychological report? We recommend that you purchase the WISC-IV course at the following link:

Buy WISC-IV Course for Professionals or Students

🤓 Intelligence assessments allow us to measure cognitive abilities, so that it is possible to estimate the future potential of daily and academic skills and the ability to acquire new learning. Additionally, measuring intelligence is important in the differential diagnosis of various neurodevelopmental disorders.

At the Comprehensive Center for Educational Neuropsychology we offer the following intelligence test for children and adolescents (6-16 years of age):

✅ The WISC-IV test allows us to measure intelligence in patients between the ages of 6 years 0 months and 16 years 11 months in a complete manner, considering the evaluation of four indices: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed. The integration of these four indices allows us to obtain the total intelligence quotient (CIT) of the person being evaluated.

📹👇🏻 If you want to deepen your knowledge about the WISC-IV Test (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -IV), we recommend watching the following class:

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